A unique method

Our none invasive method of embryo selection is unique amongst the world's IVF clinics

A unique way

New progressive technology using mRNA molecule analysis helps in the prediction and selection of the right embryo.

Make your wishes come true

A major breakthrough in the success of assisted reproduction and reducing the chances of miscarriage.

Innovative technology - a unique non-invasive method of selecting a suitable embryo

The technology consists in the non-invasive removal of biological material without any damage to the embryo. The extracted molecules, based on mRNA analysis, are able to significantly assist in personalized medicine in predicting the success of IVF through the selection of a suitable embryo and to increase the success rate of embryo attachment at pregnancy.

Our method increases the fertilization rate to 67%.

We are here for you and ready to advise you
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    Comprehensive professional care

    We are here for you

    • Selekcie embrya
      Embryo selection
      Innovative technology that increases the chance of getting pregnant and reducing the number of involuntary abortions.
    • Darovanie vajíčok
      Egg donation
      Egg (oocyte) donation is an extraordinary humane act that can help another woman fulfil her dream and give her the most beautiful gift in the world - the chance to become a mother.
    • Genetická diagnostika
      Genetic diagnostics
      Know the risks
    • Spermiogram
      A spermiogram, semen analysis or also a standardised ejaculate examination is the first test your man is sent for if you are trying for a baby and still can't get it right.
    • Konzultácia s lekárom
      Consultation with a doctor
      Individual advice for specific problems, our team of experts is always at your disposal.

    With a sensitive and discreet approach we will guide you through the entire process, making your visit stress-free.

    Revolutionary technology

    A major breakthrough in the success rate of assisted reproduction

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    Selection of the embryo

    We are reducing the number of miscarriages.

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    Fertilisation procedure

    The embryos are frozen (cryopreservation) and stored in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of about -196°C. More modern vitrification is recommended, where ice crystals do not form and the cells are in excellent shape after heating. Embryos examined by preimplementation genetic diagnostics PGT-A , PGT-SR and PGT-M help to detect birth defects.

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    Procedure and diagnostics

    The technology is part of a diagnostic test that predicts a woman's current readiness for the artificial insemination procedure and, together with a unique method of selecting the right embryo, increases the success of the process.

    Make an appointment